Theme of the 42nd General Assembly Period (2024-2026)
Christ, bestow on us your life of reconciliation
“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”
(2 Corinthians 5:18)
NCCJ’s highest decision-making body is the General Assembly, which we hold every third year. Under the General Assembly are the Executive Council and 14 committees.
Activities are planned by the relevant committees and then brought up before the Executive Council for approval. Committees then carry out these approved activities.
Chair: Rev. Kano YOSHITAKA, Japan Baptist Convention
Vice-Chair: Ms Mikako NISHIHARA, YWCA Japan
Vice-Chair: Rev. LEE Myung Choong, Korean Christian Church in Japan
Secretary: Dr Sawako FUJIWARA, Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church
Secretary: Mr. Kazuhisa TAZUKE, National Council of YMCA’s of Japan
General Secretary: Rev. Kaori OSHIMA, The United Churches of Christ in Japan
NCCJ Member and Associate Member Churches and Organizations
NCCJ is made up of 31 member and associate member churches and organizations. Christians make up a little less than 1% of the population of Japan but have influenced this country in many ways through education, welfare, human rights, women’s concerns, and peace advocacy. NCCJ networks with other Christian councils, particularly in other Asian countries, and is a member of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) and a related organization of the World Council of Churches. Working ecumenically with people of other faiths in Japan and abroad, NCCJ strives to bring justice and peace to our world today.