Christ, bestow on us your life of reconciliation

Theme of the 42nd general assembly period (2024-2026)

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.

(2 Corinthians 5:18)

Consultation of NCCK and NCCJ

Consultation of NCCK and NCCJ

The National Council of Churches in Korea and the National Christian Council in Japan held a joint consultation on "Peaceful Reunification of Korean Peninsula and the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution" June 11. This was a part of NCCK's campaign for a Korea Peace Treaty in Northeast Asia. 20 participants from Korea, 9 from Europe and North America, and 9 from Japan participated in this half-day consultation. Rev. Ra Heak Jib, Chair of NCCK Committee on Reconciliation and Peaceful Reunification, talked about the importance of this campaign for reconciliation and peaceful reunification of Korean Peninsula. From Japan side, Ms ...
/ NCC Office, News
The Eyes That Gaze at Peace (Luke 12:32)

The Eyes That Gaze at Peace (Luke 12:32)

/ Monthly Message
Kim Sungjae, NCC General Secretary There was God's plan that was beyond people's thought in the time of 40 years Moses and the Israelites, the people of Exodus, journeyed for Canaan. The pillar of cloud in the daytime and the pillar of fire in the night were their guides, and Moses and his people didn't lose them. When the people asked God that they reach the land of Canaan and be protected by God until they get there, God asked the people that they would not lose the guide He gave even in the midst of trouble in the desert, ...
Statement regarding Summit meetings on Korean Peninsula

Statement regarding Summit meetings on Korean Peninsula

/ News
NCCJ has published a statement regarding Summit Meetings at Panmunjom and Singapore. See PDF. [pdf-embedder url=""] ...
Hiroshima Declaration

Hiroshima Declaration

/ Statement
The 6th Global Inter-Religious Conference on Article 9 that was held from June 13th (Wed.) to 15th (Fri.) at the International Conference Center in Hiroshima, Japan, finished successfully all its programs with 187 participants from 47organizations, 12 countries. We published the Hiroshima Declaration. See the PDF in English and Korean (Hangul). Hiroshima Declaration (English) Hiroshima Declaration (Hangul) ...
6th Global Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 (

6th Global Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 (

The 6th Global Inter-Religious Conference on Article 9 will be held from June 13th (Wed.) to 15th (Fri.), 2018 in Hiroshima, Japan. Download the PDFs for further information. Invitation to the 6th Conference Concept Paper Tentative Program Registration Form ...