About NCC
Christ, bestow on us your life of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18)
Theme of the 42nd General Assembly (2024-2026)
NCCJ’s main activity themes are as follows:
We aim for solidarity in Christ, while respecting the differences in standpoints among the member churches and organizations. We also share common concerns and strive to be witnesses of Christ.
Human Rights
We oppose every kind of discrimination and human rights suppression. We are working to expand our ecumenical activities across a broad range of those who are under-represented. To realize a multiracial, multi-cultural society, NCCJ advocates for the rights of such groups as the Buraku caste and those with disabilities. We continuously work to emulate Jesus Christ in helping those who are weak and in trouble.
International Cooperation
Through WCC and CCA, we deal with issues of human rights and peace. We also support programs for people who suffer from natural disasters or relocation as well as various development programs.
Dialogue and Cooperation with Other Religions
We promote exchanges with other religions to bring about mutual understanding and religious cooperation on such issues as peace, human rights, and nuclear power.